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I would like to thank the people that take the time to view my

Website and present me with these wonderful awards.

I'm very proud to show them in my pages.


Thank you Sandy for this wonderful and unexpected Award
Gracias Lady Utopia por este maravilloso  Premio
A new award that I recently completed designing, and which I feel that your site more than qualifies for.
Thank you Thia for this wonderful and unexpected Award
Es un honor para nosotros hacerte entrega de nuestros premios.  Te felicitamos por la excelencia de tu página!!!
Gracias Marisel por estos maravillosos  Premios
I love your graphics and you have done a GREAT job with PSP.
Thank you Jadelane for these wonderful and unexpected Awards
Te concedo mi premio con orgullo, porque tienes un sitio maravilloso!!!! He de ser yo la que te de las gracias por permitir que el mismo este en tu web.
Gracias Angie por este maravilloso Premio
Gracias Terry por estos maravillosos Premios
Thank you Lone for this wonderful Award
Thank you Sue for this wonderful Award





This beautiful background set come from Mrs. Penny Parker

Visit her site clicking the next logo: